World Diabetes Day: Expert says THESE vegetables have the lowest glycemic score



  • We’re days away from World Diabetes Day and it’s that time of the year when experts across the globe work towards spreading more awareness about the condition – from its signs and symptoms to prevention and management. Sad as it is, diabetes comes with no cure and calls for alterations in diet, lifestyle and sometimes surgical intervention.
  • Diabetes refers to a state wherein the body becomes insulin resistant or loses its sensitivity to the hormone that regulars blood sugar levels. Insulin, which is released by the pancreas, helps sugar get absorbed by the cells and regular glucose levels. Patients with type-2 diabetes struggle with spiking blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance, and those with type-1 diabetes have no insulin at all for maintaining blood glucose balance.
  • Amidst this, following a low-carbohydrate, high-protein and high-fibre diet are recommended along with a decent amount of workouts to keep the bodyweight under control. And while we talk of diet, there are a number of vegetables that come with a low glycemic index (glycemic score) – a variable that defines the rate at which glucose is released from a particular food in the bloodstream.
  • To know more about the best and healthiest low GI vegetables for diabetes patients, Times Now Digital connected with Ms Sweedal Trinidade, HOD of Dietary Services at P.D. Hinduja Hospital & MRC. The expert revealed the respective glycemic score, calorie content and health benefits.
  • “Glycemic index gives an idea of the rate at which glucose is released from a particular food in the bloodstream. Depending upon this, foods can be classified as low, medium and high glycemic index foods. Glucose is taken as the reference point which has a glycemic index of 100. Along with GI very important thing is GL or glycemic load of food, that is the rate at which sugar is released from the total carbohydrate present in the food portion consumed,” Ms Trinidade explained
How are low, medium and high glycemic index foods classified?
  1. Foods with a glycemic index of less than 55 are low glycemic index foods.
  2. 56 to 69 are moderate glycemic index foods.
  3. 70 or more are high glycemic index foods.
Take a look at a few vegetables with a glycemic index of less than 55.
  1. Cabbage (GI 10): The anti-inflammatory response to the consumption of good amounts of cabbage may be attributed to Sulforaphane, kaempferol and other antioxidants present in it. It is rich in friendly insoluble fibre that serves prebiotics (food for gut-friendly bacteria lactobacillus and bifidobacteria) aids in digestion and immune function. It is a rich source of vitamin K that is also known as a clotting factor. Hence need to be consumed with caution if you are on anticoagulants or blood thinners.
  2. Cauliflower (GI 10): It is a rich source of antioxidants like glucosinolates and isothiocyanates which have strong anti-inflammatory properties. The insoluble fibre content is relatively high promoting a feeling of satiety. One of the lesser-known facts about cauliflower is in the vegetarian diet it is a good source of choline which aids in the production of neurotransmitters and also brain development.
  3.   Tomato (GI 15): Besides being a rich source of fibre it is relatively high in lycopene and vitamin C which are amazing immunity boosters. Tomatoes are a good source of potassium which helps in hypertension management. However, it needs to be consumed with caution by patients dealing with kidney problems. Okra (GI 20): Okra or bhindi is a low GI vegetable rich in fibre, vitamin C, folic acid, carotenoids and magnesium. It helps maintain low homocysteine levels preventing chances of progression to neuropathy. The fibre content of okra not only aids in digestion but also maintains good glycemic control of the meal. The micronutrient content also helps boost immunity.
  4. French beans (GI 15): French beans are rich in fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid consumed in all ethnic groups and suitable in a wide range of recipes around the world. Vitamin K aids the absorption of calcium in bones and reduces urinary excretion of calcium.
  5. Although the above-mentioned vegetables have a low glycemic index, it is noteworthy that portion sizes have to be monitored. Cooking, processing, changes in pH and ripening will affect the glycemic index of meals; yet, watching the ratios holds paramount importance.


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