Government colleges in Karnataka can use fees to develop campuses

  • To give more financial independence to colleges, Higher Education Minister Dr CN Ashwath Narayan issued an order allowing government, polytechnic and engineering colleges to spend the fees on developing colleges.
  • On Sunday, the minister issued a release, stating, “The government’s wish is to give financial autonomy to educational institutions and through this, they should be allowed to codify resources. Thus, guidelines have been issued for utilisation of government fees.”
  • The minister said that the order would be implemented from this academic year itself, allowing colleges to use the funds.
  • According to the guidelines, committees are to be formed under the chairmanship of principals, and comprise Internal Quality Assurance Cell conveners, senior lecturers, superintendents and two final year male and female students each.
  • Narayan said that these committees should be constituted by June every academic year, and an annual development and action plan must be submitted to the Commissioner of College and Technical Education by August for approval.
  • A portion of nearly all fees collected by these colleges will be returned to them to focus on maintenance and development work, purchase of books for libraries, equipment for laboratories and offices, and other uses. Transactions will be done online.


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