After losing homes in floods, Nagoorthupathi tribals urge TN govt to provide new homes



  • The 40 homes with tattered roofs are arranged in rows near a forest in the Nagoorthupathi tribal hamlet of Tamil Nadu’s Coimbatore district.
  • The tribal community members in the region have long been residing in the homes built by their ancestors.
  • Every year as the monsoon approaches, the homes would get flooded and the rainwater would drip through the metal roofs. And last year, even the basic structure got damaged in the floods.
  •  The residents of the village have long been demanding two things: new homes and solar power. The demands were finally heard and the people will be receiving solar power but their wait for the homes continues.
  • The Nagoorthupathi residents say that solar lights are important but the state government should rebuild their homes that were damaged in the floods.
  • Kavitha, a resident of Nagoorthupathi says, “Our homes were destroyed during the last year floods and the rainy season is approaching this year. Our children are unable to sleep inside the house during rains. So the government should build us homes. They are giving us solar power now but if they provide it after building new homes for us, it will be more useful.”


  • The floods in the previous year also damaged the solar power panels given by the government in the late 1990s, leaving the residents without any form of power. So they are now demanding that the government provide both solar power and new homes.
  • Babu, another Nagoorthupathi resident, says, “We reside in homes constructed using metal sheets, so the homes get flooded during the rains. After the floods destroyed our homes last year, we’re residing in temporary homes. The Tamil Nadu government, as per the available provisions, should build new homes for us.”
  • The tribals also do not have any basic facilities and struggle during medical emergencies. “Our village does not have any streetlights even, so during medical emergencies we have to transport the patient using only torch light. On the way, we even have to cross waterways. So the government should build a bridge to help us commute,” Babu adds


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