Benefits of Rose Water For Flawless And Glowing Skin By Shahnaz Husain



  • Rosewater has been valued for its fragrance since ancient times. The fragrance is said to have a calming effect on the mind. It induces relaxation and gives a sense of well-being. As far as the beauty industry is concerned, its importance is due to its many beauty-enhancing and healing properties. While formulating products, it can be easily combined with other extracts, like sandalwood, khus, neem, tulsi, lemon, and many others.

Benefits of Rose Water For Flawless And Glowing Skin By Shahnaz Husain

  • Rosewater has several properties. It is one of the most powerful skin toners.
  • It not only tones the skin but the capillaries too. It also improves blood circulation to the skin surface. Rosewater is said to contain Vitamins A, C, D. E, and B3. The best part is that it suits all skin types, including sensitive skin and even acne conditions.
  • Rose water-based skin tonics have helped to improve skin texture and reduce skin congestion. This helps in oily skin conditions. They also help to soothe acne-prone and rashy skin.
  • Rosewater can also be used to complete the skin cleansing process. After using cleansing cream and gel, wipe the skin with rose water, using cotton wool. It removes the last traces of cleanser and other residues and leaves the skin fresh and clean. It also helps to improve skin texture and close the pores.
  • Due to its cooling effect, rose water is ideal for Indian summers as a skin freshener. It can be used several times during the day to wipe the face and remove the surface film of dirt, oil, and stale sweat. In fact, it also helps to hydrate the skin and restore the normal pH balance.
  • It has such a gentle action that it can be used to rejuvenate the area around the eyes. Cotton wool pads, soaked in rose water, can be used over the eyes, like eye pads, to remove fatigue and brighten the eyes. It also helps to reduce puffiness.
  • Rosewater can also be added to face masks when mixed at home. It mixes well with most other ingredients used in homemade masks, like honey, yogurt, oatmeal, Fuller’s Earth (multani mitti), sandalwood paste, egg, and so on. Pure rose water is made by a process of distillation.
  • Rose Water is made by a process of distillation. If you wish to make it at home, you can try an easy method.
  • Take an enamel or steel vessel and put rose petals in it. For one cup of firmly packed rose petals, pour over them 2 cups hot (boiling) water. Cover and let the petals steep in the water till the liquid becomes cool. Strain the water and squeeze out liquid from the petals. Keep the rose water in an airtight jar in the fridge.

Home Care:

  • Chill some rose water in a bowl. Using cotton wool, wipe the skin with it. Then pat the skin briskly. It tones the skin and helps to keep it healthy and youthful. It is particularly refreshing during the summer and rainy seasons.
  • For oily skin, add 2 to 3 drops of lemon juice to one tablespoon of rose water. Dip cotton wool in it and use it to wipe the face. It will help to remove the surface film of oil and stale sweat and leave you with a cool and fresh feeling.
  • For normal to dry skin, add 2 to 3 drops of glycerin to one tablespoon rose water and apply to the face.
  • A few drops of rose water can be added to sandalwood paste and applied on pimples, acne or boils, to soothe and cure. It helps to reduce inflammation.
  • Rosewater can also be added to face packs and scrubs. Ground almonds (badaam) can be used with a little rose water as a facial scrub.


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