Total ban on plastics in Vizag from June 5

  • The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) will enforce a total ban on plastics in the city from June 5 to mark the World Environment Day GVMC Commissioner G Lakshmi Sha told TNIE on Wednesday that the countdown for plastic ban will begin immediately. People will be given time till June 5 to find alternatives to plastics. Use of single use and non-biodegradable plastic in the city will attract fines from June 5.
  • The GVMC is going the extra mile to restrict the use of plastic, whether it is single or reusable, as it is harmful to the environment. People have been advised to stop usage of plastic and look for eco-friendly alternatives. NGOs are being encouraged to produce eco-friendly bags to replace the plastic covers. GVMC officials will also hold talks with places of worship to enforce the ban. “Though it is immediately difficult to enforce a total ban, we are confident that it can be achieved within one year across the city,” Lakshmi Sha said.


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