Clarified: without needle framework to regulate ZyCoV-D immunization

  • Zydus Cadila’s ZyCoV-D, is the main Covid-19 antibody based on a DNA stage, to have gotten an Emergency Use Authorisation by a controller. Fundamentally, the intradermal immunization will be applied utilizing a without needle framework.

What is the needle-free system that will be used by Zydus to administer ZyCoV-D?

  1. Zydus will be using a needle-free system manufactured by Colorado-based firm Pharma Jet.
  2. The Gujarat-based firm will be using a specific model called the ‘Tropis’, which received regulatory approval in Europe in 2017.

What is the Tropis needle-free system?

  • United diagnosticss

    United diagnosticss
  1. Tropis delivers vaccines intradermally; technology that propels liquid at high pressure to deliver vaccines through the skin without utilising needles.
  2. There are three components: the injector, the needle-free syringe, and a filling adapter.
  3. The vaccine is administered is using a simple four-step process: prepare the injector; fill the syringe; load the injector, and give the injection at the Deltoid region.

What are the benefits of using a needle-free injector?vaccine vaccines 

  1. A needle-free injector is said to be more accurate and requires little training. It reduces the infection-associated anxiety for the beneficiary and the vaccinator.
  2. It also does not give rise to any needlestick injuries to the health care workers. Each needle-free syringe is sterile, auto disabling, and cannot be reused.
  3. Therefore, there is no opportunity for accidental or intentional reuse of the disposable syringes in this technology.


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