Karnataka to tap satellite services for better internet coverage



  • With the Karnataka government laying stress on taking industries ‘Beyond Bengaluru’, the state is planning to have satellite services for better internet facilities in rural and remote area over the next two years. The government is committed to providing better internet connectivity even to the last person, IT-BT Minister Dr C N Ashwathnarayan said.
  • During an interaction with TNIE, he said, “The government is giving top priority to internet connectivity. For many citizen-oriented services including banking, agriculture, health care, education or governance, information technology has become indispensable even in remote areas. If we want to progress or empower people, connectivity should be given topmost priority,’’ he stressed.
  • He said software technology parks across Bengaluru have satellite internet connections, but there are challenges as regards connectivity elsewhere. “In Karnataka, there is 90% 4G coverage, but there are challenges in rural areas. This is because telecommunication was not under any department in the state.
  • Now, it has been included under the Information Technology and Biotechnology Department,” he said. Further, he said they have come up with a single window system so that telecom service providers can get the required clearances. “We have policies to help them and all these are done in consultation with them,’’ he said. “During Covid time, we have conducted many meetings with telecom and internet service providers,” he added.
“Covid has shown that  IT companies can be managed at any place from any place. Telecom companies are also coming up with their satellite services,” he said. Many of them are coming forward to provide satellite services at remote places. This will, in turn, encourage IT companies to set up shop anywhere across the state, even in backward districts like Yadgir, Raichur or Chamarajanagar. The State Government is committed to providing it on priority,” he added.


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