US Election 2020: Joe Biden wins race to become President; here are the states key to his victory



  • Democratic candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden won the race to the Oval Office and the presidency of the United States for a four-year term, the Associated Press said, calling the race.

  • Biden bagged key swing states as well as Democratic strongholds including California, New York, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin to secure at least 284 electoral college votes.

Who is Joe Biden? Bio, age, family, and key positions - Business Insider

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  • Donald Trump secured a win in the key swing state of Florida, as well as Kentucky, Texas, Louisiana, Iowa, Ohio, Mississippi, and Tennessee, but trails with 214 electoral college votes.
  • The largest voting block in the US comes from sunny California, and the state has been solidly blue for a long time. This cornerstone and its large number of professionals secured a much-needed 55 electoral votes for Biden over Trump.

New York

The other cornerstone for Democrats is New York on the east coast. Although President Trump’s home state, Biden carried New York and its 29 electoral votes with a significant margin of victory.


Traditionally Republican since 1996, the state had been considered a ‘swing’ state starting in the last election and flipped to Biden late on election night. This ensured another 11 votes in his kitty.


Pennsylvania has usually been a Democrat stronghold, but Trump’s appeal to the blue-collar workers of the state have won him the 2016 election. Biden came back with his ‘hometown son’ or rather, dad, moniker to take the state and its 20 electoral votes.
Biden won in an extremely close race in Wisconsin that seemed to be favouring Trump before flipping. The President carried the state by flipping some rural Democrats, but Biden seems to have reversed that trend to secure 10 votes and the win.


In another race that went to the wire, Biden won the toss-up that enabled him to grab another 16 electoral votes. Traditionally a Democrat stronghold, Republicans won the state in 2016 for the first time since 1988. It seems Michigan will continue to be a swing state with the small margin of victory.


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